02.18.2020 Progress on page 8 of Quincey Howards Barbary Coast adventure

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02.18.2020 Progress on page 8 of Quincey Howards Barbary Coast adventure – For this report I scanned the lower part of page 8 instead of taking a photograph and mounted it suiting to the upper part. So you can get … Read More

02.03.2020 • There is still Life –

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Though I was not able to produce new pages for Quincey Howard, my posts on myComics.de got – at least the sequels of the Barbary Coast Adventure – maybe 10 hits per month. This way part 1 of Berber has … Read More

2019.11.27 – “exercise page” for my old way of drawing finished

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2019.11.27 – “exercise page” for my old way of drawing finished • The new page 8 is fixed to my drawing board again. Before this I inked again a blueprint of the original page 3, to get a feeling for … Read More

Report 21.11.2019

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Report 2019.11.21 It’s high time for a new report. Unfortunately there isn’t much to tell because things didn’t work well during the last weeks. At least I already fixed a blueprint of the upper page 8 on my drawing board. … Read More

2019.10.30 – I started editing the storyboard for the finish of the attack of the barbary coast pirates

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2019.10.30 – I started editing the storyboard for the finish of the attack of the barbary coast pirates • Last week I had a look on the storyboard for the final sequence of the attack of the barbary coast pirates. … Read More

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